Choosing a Plan
Staying Encouraged
Sometimes people fall behind in the Bible reading plans and want to give up. We want you to stay encouraged! If you get behind you can catch up and just start from today’s date. God loves you and wants you to hear all He has to say to you and we don’t want you to miss out!
Monthly Prayer & Bible Reading Plan
In this plan you (usually) read one chapter a day and have one thing you can pray about. It is a great way to help develop that habit of diving into God’s Word and praying to Him on a regular basis. We come out with a new plan each month.
The Bible in a Year Plan
This plan will take you through the entire Bible in a year. You might end getting behind or even ahead and that’s ok. Even if you don’t complete the plan in a year it is still a guide you can use to read the entire Bible at whatever pace you choose!